Exchange Rates

Currency Currency Code Buying Rate (LKR) Selling Rate (LKR)
Australian Dollar AUD 191.6044 204.8256
British Pounds GBP 382.2974 395.4095
Canadian Dollar CAD 215.0475 222.8109
Euro EUR 322.8762 334.1974
Indian Rupees INR 3.4580 3.8185
Japanese Yen JPY 1.9385 1.9976
New Zealand Dollar NZD 174.2852 182.0761
Singapore Dollar SGD 218.8968 231.6311
Swiss Francs CHF 335.4493 350.0445
UAE Dirham AED 80.8916 84.1584
US Dollars USD 299.5000 306.5000

Last updated: 2024-07-26

Rates are given on indicative basis for sales and purchases up to USD 1000 or its equivalent only